Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de illustrate

to illustrateilustrar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I illustrateyo ilustro
you illustratetú ilustras
he illustratesél ilustra
she illustratesella ilustra
we illustratenosotros ilustramos
you illustratevosotros ilustráis
they illustrateellos ilustran
they illustrateellas ilustran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I illustratedyo ilustré
you illustratedtú ilustraste
he illustratedél ilustró
she illustratedella ilustró
we illustratednosotros ilustramos
you illustratedvosotros ilustrasteis
they illustratedellos ilustraron
they illustratedellas ilustraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have illustratedyo he ilustrado
you have illustratedtú has ilustrado
he has illustratedél ha ilustrado
she has illustratedella ha ilustrado
we have illustratednosotros hemos ilustrado
you have illustratedvosotros habéis ilustrado
they have illustratedellos han ilustrado
they have illustratedellas han ilustrado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had illustratedyo había ilustrado
you had illustratedtú habías ilustrado
he had illustratedél había ilustrado
she had illustratedella había ilustrado
we had illustratednosotros habíamos ilustrado
you had illustratedvosotros habíais ilustrado
they had illustratedellos habían ilustrado
they had illustratedellas habían ilustrado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will illustrateyo ilustraré
you will illustratetú ilustrarás
he will illustrateél ilustrará
she will illustrateella ilustrará
we will illustratenosotros ilustraremos
you will illustratevosotros ilustraréis
they will illustrateellos ilustrarán
they will illustrateellas ilustrarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have illustratedyo habré ilustrado
you will have illustratedtú habrás ilustrado
he will have illustratedél habrá ilustrado
she will have illustratedella habrá ilustrado
we will have illustratednosotros habremos ilustrado
you will have illustratedvosotros habréis ilustrado
they will have illustratedellos habrán ilustrado
they will have illustratedellas habrán ilustrado

I would illustrateyo ilustraría
you would illustratetú ilustrarías
he would illustrateél ilustraría
she would illustrateella ilustraría
we would illustratenosotros ilustraríamos
you would illustratevosotros ilustraríais
they would illustrateellos ilustrarían
they would illustrateellas ilustrarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have illustratedyo habría ilustrado
you would have illustratedtú habrías ilustrado
he would have illustratedél habría ilustrado
she would have illustratedella habría ilustrado
we would have illustratednosotros habríamos ilustrado
you would have illustratedvosotros habríais ilustrado
they would have illustratedellos habrían ilustrado
they would have illustratedellas habrían ilustrado

Participio presenteAnotado
illustrating ilustrando

Participio pasadoAnotado
illustrated ilustrado

Más verbos

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Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
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